Passion Design & Manufacturing

Select Passion over Standardized tests

To play this game you must have Passion! I physically feel sick if I'm not making things. When I have the most work is when I also start a fun woodworking project! Einstein used to play music to relax his mind. I decided that escape by making a picture frame, or carving a salad bowl. There is always something to bring to life! Yes like Pinocchio.

We need to change the way we see engineers. As Robert Lutz said in Guts: "We need more nerds! .... Granted, engineering isn't a sexy vocation as being a poet or an actor." The reason is because education is currently focused on grades/tests scores instead of passion. I became an engineer because I LOVE to make things and find out how they work and predict when they will break. I went to MIT for ten years and the best courses where those where the faculty started with the passion to bring ideas to life. Mechanics is boring unless you think that it could allow you to make an amazing aircraft carrier! Heat transfer and thermodynamics way over my head until I thought about using it to make a rocket! Dynamics make the next insane Lamborghini. Fluid dynamics a heart pump. There must be a point to education!

Passion will encourage you to learn new material to meet your objective. Engineering knowledge without Passion is like a car without gasoline. Passion without engineering knowledge is like a boat without sails, it is just not going that far. Passion is what makes entrepreneurs. Passion brought you the iPhone and Disney World. Passion can make wealth, just ask Warren Buffet, Bill Gates (Thank you Mr. Gates for the Scholarship), and now Elon Musk.

Passion took us to the moon with Wernher von Braun.Math and physics are the tools to make dreams come true, such was the space race! You must have Passion lead our educational system.

Design & Manufacturing with Passion

Dreams Lead to Ideas & Designs

Ments et Mus from MIT image of an entity reading

Dreams are a great sign of passion, and like dreams passion is very fragile at the beginning. You must be strong enough to follow your dreams. Find out where your dreams will take you!

Manufacturing Make Dreams Reality

Since manufacturing allows you to make your dreams come true; thus it must be like Disney World, where the magic happens. Manufacturing & physics are responsible for all of the interactions we have every day.


DARE2MAKE Challenge


What do you day dream about? If you don't know start exploring something other than playing video games and watching movies with friends.

Invest in your Education & Growth

Before running running a marathon: you must learn to crawl, then walk, then jog , running full speed, and after that you must run for distance. Uhhhh I got tired just thinking about it. Sometimes it seems overwhelming; however, you just have to get to the next step. You have to invest time and energy into your education & personal growth the same way in order to succeed in life.

Learn to Make

Since manufacturing is the way bring ideas to life you must learn the basic crawl before the run. Eventually you can get to operate at such a level that you can have 3 cnc machines constantly for ten hours + (me), code an app in a matter of hours :( ... eventually.

Re-Acquire Creativity

Creativity is a like a muscle, you must practice and constantly challenge yourself to think expand your mind. As children most people were creative, growing up somehow beats it out of us. So we must "re-acquire" and remember what it means to be creative. When people say "think outside the box" it is a call to pull things from other boxes completely unrelated! Thus the more experiences you have in different disciplines. The most creative people are just interested in many things and then put it all together like an amazing gumbo!


Find Your Passion

Invest in Education & Growth

Make Something Amazing

Follow the White Rabbit